Online banking isn’t the latest craze, though its niceties and conveniences we yearned for are…
So if you are an active internet user, especially on social media platforms, before you share anymore private information on the internet, here are the eight common mistakes which you must avoid at all costs.
We understand you are trendy and try to keep your friends updated on social platform about your activities, but you should not forget the fact that, apart from your friends your shared information might be visible to public if you have not worked out your privacy settings properly. So you should be careful about what you are sharing on the internet.
If you are using social media platforms, before you start becoming more active it would be a good idea to check your privacy settings once. All of it might be a bit tiring and boring as well, but trust our word; they might save you a lot of trouble.
Keeping a weak password so that you may not make a mistake while accessing your account, is the worst blow you can render to your privacy online. Those easy passwords might be easy for you to remember, but at the same time they are easy for a hacker to hack them. Which is why you should always follow the security instructions given by the platform of your choice.
Though your browser might prompt to you once in a while about saving your password for you, so that you do not have to enter it again and again, though all of it might sound very handy and time saving, it might be very harmful for your privacy on the internet.
Sharing photo of your room and belongs is always fun, but sharing pictures of things that might reveal your address to a stranger, might turn out to be just the opposite. Which is why if you are sharing information on the internet, especially photos, then you should make sure that you are not sharing anything that might reveal your address or location in any manner.
Though Google may give out a lot of results for your searches but that does not mean all those websites are secure. So before you access any low security website, you should consider the risks that might be involved with your action.
People who are involved in crimes like hacking and identity theft keep updating their knowledge base and which is why they become well adept at stealing some of the most important financial details of other users for their personal benefits. So if you transact on the internet more often, then you should make sure that you do not save any of your financial details on platforms that you are not completely sure about.
Most of the internet users try to avoid these setting as they tend to make their surfing experience a bit slower than expected since there are a lot of protocols involved with the same, which a common internet user may not know about. Which is why you should make sure that if you are a regular internet user, then you need to pay attention to your firewall and antivirus settings.
With the coming of the 21st century the world saw a rise in the number of social media platforms and with it rose the amount of information that each person was sharing online. They were doing this because, at that point of time they were not aware of the consequences of their actions, and with their growing vulnerability, also grew the ways of exploiting one’s openness. Though a lot of regulations were brought forward to make the World Wide Web a more secure platform for everyone who uses it, there were some areas, with which no one could do anything, simply because they did not have the proper consent of the user. Nobody could, neither wanted to encroach upon the privacy of the common internet user, but there still existed elements who would want to exploit the common internet user’s privacy to reap undue benefits. is a domain that tries to trick you into clik to its browser notifications… is a domain that tries to force you into clik to its browser notifications… is a site that tries to trick you into subscribing to its browser notifications… is a site that tries to trick you into clik to its browser notifications… is a domain that tries to force you into subscribing to its browser notifications… is a domain that tries to force you into subscribing to its browser notifications…
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I am 84 years old and just get emails from my grandkids. Somehow ADGONE got on my computer and I can not delete it.