Remove Albabat Virus (.abbt Files Ransomware)

Albabat Virus Ransomware

The Albabat mean a ransomware-type infection. Albabat was elaborated specifically to encrypt all major file types. Once the file is encrypted people are not able to use them. Albabat adds the “.abbt” extension for each file encrypted by it. For example, the file “myphoto.jpg“, as soon as encrypted by Albabat, will be renamed into “myphoto.jpg.abbt“. As soon as the encryption is completed, Albabat places a special text file into every folder containing the encrypted data.

The message given by Albabat text file requesting for the ransom is definitely the same as the statements given by other ransomware representatives. It actually discusses that the info is encrypted and that the only way to restore it is to use a an unique decryption key. Regretfully, this is definitely true. The kind of cryptography mechanism used by Albabat is still not correctly examined. Still, it is definitely specific that each victim might be given the specific decryption key, which is totally distinct. It is difficult to bring back the files without the key available.

Another technique of Albabat is that the victims cannot access to the key. The key is saved on a particular server run by the frauds associated with Albabat ransomware. To get the key and recover the important info people need to pay the ransom.

Nevertheless, irrespective of the asked for quantity, people must keep away from paying the virus. Cyber frauds are not fair, so they tend to totally disregard what their victims feel about the issue, even when the payment reaches their pockets. This is why paying the ransom normally does not give any positive result and people just lose their money for absolutely nothing.

We strongly encourage that you do not contact these crooks and certainly do not transfer money into their accounts. It is said to admit that there are no utilities able to crack Albabat ransomware and to recover the information data for free. Thus, the just right decision is to recover the lost data from the available backup.

Virus Summary

Name Albabat Ransomware
File Extension .abbt
Type Ransomware
Short Description The ransomware encrypts all the data stored on your system and requires a ransom to be paid on your part supposedly to recover your important files.
Symptoms File encryption by the ransomware is performed by means of the AES and RSA encryption algorithms. Once the encryption is completed, the ransomware adds its special abbt extension to all the files modified by it.
Distribution Method Spam Emails, Email Attachments
Removal Tool   GridinSoft Anti-Malware

Keep in mind that the internet is now overwhelmed with threats that look similar to Albabat ransomware. Malicious programs of such kind are normally elaborated to encrypt crucial information and to state the need prior to the user to pay the ransom. The peculiarity of all such ransomware threats is that all apply a similar algorithm to produce the unique decryption key for files decryption.

Thus, as long as the ransomware is still being developed or has some hidden bugs, manually recovering the information is simply not feasible. The only way to avoid the loss of your crucial data is to routinely create backups of your important information.

Keep in mind that even if you create such backups, they must be placed into a special storage utility not connect to your main computer. You may use the USB Memory Stick or external disk drive for this purpose, or refer to the help of the cloud storage. If you store your backup files on your common system they may be encrypted in addition to other files, so it’s absolutely not a good storage location.

How did ransomware infect my PC?

There are several methods used by online frauds to distribute Albabat ransom virus. Even though it is uncertain how precisely Albabat injects your PC, there are some leaks through which it may infiltrate the system:

  • integration with third-party software application, especially freeware;
  • spam emails from unknown senders;
  • websites rendering free hosting services;
  • pirated peer-to-peer (P2P) downloads.

Frequently Albabat ransomware may exist as some legitimate software application, for instance, in the pop-ups advising users to carry out some essential software updates. This is the typical trick used by online scams to persuade people into downloading and installing Albabat infection manually, by methods of their direct participation in the installation process.

Furthermore, the criminals may refer to numerous e-mail spam techniques to inject destructive codes into Windows PC. So, they may refer to to sending unsolicited spam e-mails with tricky notifications promoting users to download the attachments or click on certain download links, for example, the ones encouraging users to open some receipts, files, tax reports or invoices.

Needless to mention, opening such files or clicking on such dangerous links may severely harm the system. Fictitious Adobe Flash Player update informs may result in Albabat virus injection. As for the cracked software, these illegally downloaded programs may likewise consist of harmful codes causing Albabat secret installation. Finally, injection of Albabat may occur by methods of Trojans that covertly get injected into the system and set up malicious tools without the user’s permission.

Is there any method to avoid the injection of Albabat ransom virus?

Despite the fact that there is no 100% guarantee to prevent your computer from getting infected, there are some pieces of guidance we want to share with with you. To start with, be really careful when you surf the web and especially while downloading totally free programs. Keep away from opening suspicious email attachments, especially when the sender of the email is not familiar to you.

Bear in mind that some freeware installers may contain other unwanted utilities in the bundle, so they may be malicious. Ensure that your current antivirus and your entire OS is always duly updated.

Naturally, downloading pirated software is prohibited and may result in essential damage to be made for your system. For this reason, stay away from downloading cracked software. You are likewise highly recommended to reconsider your existing security software and perhaps switch to another security solution that can render much better services of defending your PC.

Screenshot of files with “.abbt” extension added by the ransomware:

Use GridinSoft Anti-Malware to remove Albabat ransomware from your computer

1.Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware.

You can download GridinSoft Anti-Malware by clicking the button below:

  GridinSoft Anti-Malware

2. Double-click on the setup file.

When setup file has finished downloading, double-click on the setup-antimalware-ag.exe file to install GridinSoft Anti-Malware on your computer.

An User Account Control asking you about to allow GridinSoft Anti-Malware to make changes to your device. So, you should click “Yes” to continue with the installation.

3. Press Install button for run GridinSoft Anti-Malware.

3.Once installed, GridinSoft Anti-Malware will automatically run.

4. Wait for the GridinSoft Anti-Malware scan to complete.

GridinSoft Anti-Malware will automatically start scanning your computer for Win Speedup 2018 and other malicious programs. This process can take a 20-30 minutes, so we suggest you periodically check on the status of the scan process.

5. Click on “Clean Now”.

When the scan has completed, you will see the list of infections that GridinSoft Anti-Malware has detected. To remove them click on the “Clean Now” button in right corner.

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Daniel Zimmermann

Daniel Zimmermann has been writing on security and malware subjects for many years and has been working in the security industry for over 10 years. Daniel was educated at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany and currently lives in New York.

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