
Attackers Are Selling Secret NATO Documents Stolen from the Portuguese Military on the Dark Web

According to media reports, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Portugal was subjected to a hacker attack, during which the attackers managed to steal secret NATO documents. The stolen data is now up for sale on the dark web.

Let me remind you that we also reported that Russian hackers intended to shut down Ukrainian electrical substances using Industroyer2 malware, and also that Japanese police linked hack group Tick with Chinese military.

The cyberattack on the country’s General Staff was reported by the local newspaper Diário de Notícias. Referring to their own sources, the journalists write that the General Staff learned about the attack after the hackers published samples of the stolen data on the darknet, saying that they would sell the full dump to interested parties.

The fact is that the American cyber intelligence agents were first to pay attention to the proposal to sell secret data and notified the US embassy in Lisbon about their discovery. Next, the diplomats had already warned the Portuguese government about the leak. Currently, experts from the Office of National Security and the National Center for Cyber Security of Portugal are investigating the incident.

It was a sprawling and covert cyberattack using bots programmed to detect this kind of documents, which were subsequently stolen in several of the unnamed sources close to the investigation told reporters.

The same sources told the publication that the leaked documents are “extremely serious” and their distribution could provoke a real crisis of confidence in Portugal in NATO.

Local media noted that the news of this leak surprised many members of Parliament, who do not understand why secret military data is being sold on the Internet, and the country’s intelligence services were not able to detect such a serious violation in time.

Official statements about the incident from the Portuguese authorities have not yet been received.
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Daniel Zimmermann

Daniel Zimmermann has been writing on security and malware subjects for many years and has been working in the security industry for over 10 years. Daniel was educated at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany and currently lives in New York.

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