Bgjs Virus Removal Guide (+Decrypt .bgjs files)

Bgjs – Ransomware

Bgjs is a malicious software application working as common ransomware. Michael Gillespie, the well-known malware researcher, first found this new name in the DJVU ransomware family.

Bgjs was created for the sole function to encrypt all popular file types. Realistically, as quickly as the file encryption is successfully achieved, the users are unable to get access to them. Bgjs ransomware includes its own “.bgjs” to all the encrypted files. For instance, the file “price_list.xls”, when modified by Bgjs, will be titled as “price_list.xls.bgjs”. When the file encryption is achieved, Bgjs puts its own distinct text file (_readme.txt) into all the folders that keep the encrypted files.

The alert stated by document asking for the random os extremely comparable to the notices provided by other ransomware dangers coming from the DJVU family. The caution essentially shows that the files have been secured and the only option to get access to it is to use a special standalone key. Regretfully, this declaration is definitely true.

The approach to secure the files used by Bgjs is not totally looked into. However, there is no doubt that each computer system owner might be released an unique decryption key, which is definitely distinct. It is exceptionally hard to recover the data without the proper type in location.

“Don’t worry, you can return all your files!”, from _readme.txt message:

One more peculiarity of the Bgjs virus is that the users are not able to get access to the key. The decrypting key is hosted on a special server under the total control by the scoundrels who have introduced the Bgjs infection into the internet. In order to get the key and bring back the crucial data, the users are told to connect with the frauds by means of email or by telegram and to pay the ransom in the amount of $980.

The message also states that the people must get in touch with the Bgjs authors within 72 hours upon the moment of the data file encryption. The alert suggests that by doing so the people will acquire a 50% discount, therefore, the ransom amount drops down to $490.

No matter what the quantity of the ransom is, we highly encourage that you do not pay the ransom. There is no assurance that these online crooks will keep their guarantees, so they might not care at all what the victims feel about the encryption, even when the amount of the ransom is gotten into their accounts. Hence, paying ransom frequently does not lead to a successful healing. So, the users may just lose their money for nothing.

Likewise, we advise you not to contact the frauds as they advise. Do not transfer loan into their wallets. There are no applications that could break the Bgjs virus or restore the data at no charge. For that reason, the only correct decision is to restore the information from possible backups (if offered).

Virus Summary

Name Bgjs Ransomware
File Extension bgjs
Type Ransomware
Family DJVU
Short Description The ransomware encrypts all the data stored on your system and requires a ransom to be paid on your part supposedly to recover your important files.
Symptoms File encryption by the ransomware is performed by means of the AES-256 algorithm (CFB mode) encryption algorithm. Once the encryption is completed, the ransomware adds its special .bgjs extension to all the files modified by it.
Distribution Method Adware bundles and software cracks
Similar Infections Lokas, Besub, Nusar
Bgjs Removal Tool   GridinSoft Anti-Malware
Bgjs Decryption Tool   Emsisoft Djvu Decryptor

Do not forget that the Web is now filled with infections similar to the Bgjs ransomware. For instance, this particular risk is basically identical to Brusaf and other ransomware-type infections. These damaging utilities have actually been established in order to encrypt the important information and express the demand for the users to pay the ransom. All these infections use the similar algorithm to generate the specific key for successful files decryption.

Unless the Bgjs ransomware is still under the development process or has actually got some concealed bugs, it is not possible to restore the data manually. Thus, the only working solution to prevent the loss of your important data is to routinely preserve up-to-date backups of all your essential files.

Another important piece of suggestions is to keep the backups on special storage not linked to your main computer. For example, you might keep it on the USB Flash Drive, or some external hard disk drive, or by using the cloud data storage services. Keeping the backups on your regular drive is extremely risky, because the backup may also be encrypted by the Bgjs infection.

Leaks for the Bgjs ransomware attack.

Bgjs uses many courses to infiltrate the susceptible computers. It is not certain what specific approach was utilized in your case, nevertheless, the invasion may occur via the following channels:

  • bundling with third-party programs, primarily free software;
  • spam emails from the unknown senders;
  • sites supplying free hosting;
  • P2P (peer-to-peer) torrent downloads.

There are times when the Bgjs virus might camouflage itself as some real application, for instance, through the misleading alerts demanding setup of some software application update. This is the most common trick utilized by the frauds to inject the Bgjs infection files into the system. By doing this users partly participate in its setup, without plainly comprehending the risk.

In addition, the scams might send out unsolicited spam email with challenging signals motivating individuals to open dubious accessories or click on some download links, for example, those motivating the people to open specific images, text files, tax documents and other info.

No doubt, opening these files or clicking the malicious links might basically damage the system. Fake Acrobat Reader update notifications may cause the Bgjs ransomware seepage. Likewise, downloading the broken software application may furthermore contain the ransomware installer. The last but not the least, installation of Bgjs may take place through some Trojan horses that might be installed stealthily into the system and without the user’s direct approval or even permission.

Preventing the Bgjs virus injection.

Obviously, there is no outright guarantee that your computer system will be constantly free of any malware attacks, however, we want to share some beneficial tips with you to make it much safer. Make certain to pay very very close attention while searching the web and particularly while getting cost-free programs. Do not open any suspicious email accessories, especially if the sender is not understood to you.

Do not forget that particular freeware installer may also contain some other additional apps in the bundle. These extra applications might be really harmful. It is of utmost value to keep your anti-virus software application and your operating system in general to be always properly upgraded.

It is quite sensible that downloading pirated software is prohibited, however, in addition, such unapproved programs use may also bring serious damage to your PC. Thus, do not download any cracked programs. Plus, the fact that your current anti-virus did not secure the system from the Bgjs ransomware is an excellent factor for you to reassess your options and change to another program that can render the safeguarding functions on a much better level.

Below please find the quotation from the Bgjs text file:


 Don't worry, you can return all your files!
 All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
 The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
 This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
 What guarantees you have?
 You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
 But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
 You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
 Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
 Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that's price for you is $490.
 Please note that you'll never restore your data without payment.
 Check your e-mail "Spam" or "Junk" folder if you don't get answer more than 6 hours.

 To get this software you need write on our e-mail:

 Reserve e-mail address to contact us:

 Our Telegram account:

Screenshot of files with “.bgjs” extension added by the virus:”

Use GridinSoft Anti-Malware to remove Bgjs ransomware from your computer

1.Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware.

You can get GridinSoft Anti-Malware by clicking the button below:

  GridinSoft Anti-Malware

2. Double-click on the setup file.

When setup file has finished downloading, double-click on the setup-antimalware-ag.exe file to install GridinSoft Anti-Malware on your computer.

An User Account Control asking you about to allow GridinSoft Anti-Malware to make changes to your device. So, you should click “Yes” to continue with the installation.

3. Press Install button for run GridinSoft Anti-Malware.

3.Once installed, GridinSoft Anti-Malware will automatically run.

4. Wait for the GridinSoft Anti-Malware scan to complete.

GridinSoft Anti-Malware will automatically start scanning your computer for Win Speedup 2018 and other malicious programs. This process can take a 20-30 minutes, so we suggest you periodically check on the status of the scan process.

5. Click on “Clean Now”.

When the scan has completed, you will see the list of infections that GridinSoft Anti-Malware has detected. To remove them click on the “Clean Now” button in right corner.

Use Emsisoft Decryptor for restore bgjs files

You can download Emsisoft Decryptor by clicking the button below:

  Emsisoft Decryptor

  1. Run the decryptor as an administrator. The license terms will show up, which you have to agree to by clicking the “Yes” button.
  2. Once the license terms are accepted, the primary decryptor user interface opens.
  3. By default, the decryptor will pre-populate the locations to decrypt with the currently connected drives and network drives. Additional locations can be added using the Add” button.
  4. Decryptors typically offer various options depending on the particular malware family. The available options are located in the Options tab and can be enabled or disabled there. You can find a detailed list of the available Options below.
  5. After you have added all the locations you want to decrypt to the list, click the “Decrypt” button to start the decryption process. The screen will switch to a status view, informing you about the current process and decryption status of your files
  6. The decryptor will inform you once the decryption process is finished. If you require the report for your personal records, you can save it by clicking the “Save log” button. You can also copy it straight to your clipboard to paste it into emails or forum posts if you are asked to.
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Daniel Zimmermann

Daniel Zimmermann has been writing on security and malware subjects for many years and has been working in the security industry for over 10 years. Daniel was educated at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany and currently lives in New York.

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